chipKIT® Development Platform

Inspired by Arduino™

Coming Soon: chipKIT Lenny!

Posted 2016-07-28 11:05:03 by Majenko


We have some great news for USB lovers! A new board, chipKIT Lenny, is in final prototype stages and preparing for production. If you haven't already guessed, the chipKIT Lenny is the PIC32 equivalent of the Arduino Leonardo, only considerably advanced, with more peripherals and overall power.

The Lenny features a direct USB connection that provides a separate USB serial connection in addition to the two UART serial connections provided on the GPIO headers. Advanced users can use the Microchip Harmony framework in [MPLAB X

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Timer Interrupts on the chipKIT DP32

Posted 2016-07-20 10:29:33 by Majenko


Have you ever needed your code to run repeatedly after a very precise amount of time?

In this tutorial, Jay explains how to accomplish this task by setting up a timer and connecting an interrupt to it. This project utilizes a chipKIT DP32, but a WF32 or uC32 would work as well.

See all the details on the Instructables tutorial.

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See the New chipKIT Pi Board at Maker Faire New York

Posted 2016-06-28 14:59:05 by Majenko


See the New chipKIT™ Pi Board at Maker Faire

Come on out to the New York Maker Faire on September 21 and 22, 2013, at the New York Hall of Science. We'll have demos of cool projects you can make at home, plus talk to chipKIT Embedded Platform and Arduino community experts. We'll be selling chipKIT Uno 32 boards and the new chipKIT Pi boards  at special, faire-only discounts right at our booth. Project sheets will also be available or makers can download them later.

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The MPIDE Compiler for PIC32

Posted 2016-06-27 13:28:20 by Majenko

Note: Information in this post applies to MPIDE, which has been deprecated. The recommended IDE for chipKIT core is now Arduino IDE or UECIDE. MPIDE still offers support for legacy code. For more information about MPIDE, please visit the legacy Install Page.

This is a fork of the compiler from about October 2010. So it's ahead of the Microchip MPLAB C32 v1.12 release, but behind the upcoming C32 v2.00 release. Basically it's similar to C32 v1.12, but updated to GCC 4.5.1. Also, the default linker scripts are modified to work with the

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Overview of the Build Process

Posted 2016-06-27 11:37:26 by Majenko

This post is in response to questions about the build process. Some of you are asking very reasonable questions. However, this stuff is specifically hidden to make the entire system easy for the beginner. If you are a beginner, I would recommend ignoring these details to start with.

Nevertheless, to answer your questions, the build process in MPIDE is the same as it is for the original Arduino system. It compiles all of the files in the core/xxx folder, xxx is specified in boards.txt. Normally there is only one and for PIC32, it's cores/pic32.

It also will compile files from the 2 libraries folders. The 2 locations

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