chipKIT® Development Platform

Inspired by Arduino™

Last edit: 2021-03-21 22:34 by Majenko


Quick Look
Hardware (External hardware)
Include Firmata.h

This library implements the Firmata communication protocol.

  1. Detailed Introduction

  2. Introductory Programs

    1. Standard Firmata chiKIT

    2. Firmata

      1. Constants

        1. Protocol Version Numbers

        2. Limits

        3. Message Command Bytes

        4. Extended Command Set

        5. Pin Modes

      2. Public Functions

        1. begin()

        2. begin(long)

        3. begin(Stream &s)

        4. printVersion(void)

        5. printFirmwareVersion(void)

        6. setFirmwareNameAndVersion(const char *name, byte major, byte minor)

        7. available(void)

        8. processInput(void)

        9. sendAnalog(byte pin, int value)

        10. sendDigital(byte pin, int value)

        11. sendDigitalPort(byte portNumber, int portData)

        12. sendString(const char *string)

        13. sendString(byte command, const char *string)

        14. sendSysex(byte command, byte bytec, byte *bytev)

        15. write(byte c)

        16. attach(byte command, callbackFunction newFunction)

        17. attach(byte command, systemResetCallbackFunction newFunction)

        18. attach(byte command, stringCallbackFunction newFunction)

        19. attach(byte command, sysexCallbackFunction newFunction)

        20. detach(byte command)

  3. External Links

Detailed Introduction

Firmata is a generic protocol that allows any computer (PC, Tablets, Mobile Devices, Etc.) to take full control of a microcontroller. It has been designed to controll as much as the microcontroller as possible making it possible to do things such as set the pin direction (input or output) as well as read and set pin states. The protocol even supports PWM, Servos, and I2C.

If you want to play with Firmata without writing a bunch of code be sure to check out the VVVV software and watch some of the tutorials on YouTube.

Introductory Programs

Standard Firmata chiKIT

This example program implements callback functions for some of the Firmata messages. If you are just starting to explore the Firmata protocol this is the example you would want to load on your chipKIT. There's no need to modify it. This example works well with VVVV. You'll be able to read analog and digital inputs as well as controll a Servo and write to digital outputs. You can even communicate with an I2C device.

  Firmata is a generic protocol for communicating with microcontrollers
  from software on a host computer. It is intended to work with
  any host computer software package.

  To download a host software package, please clink on the following link
  to open the list of Firmata client libraries your default browser.

  Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Hans-Christoph Steiner.  All rights reserved.
  Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Paul Stoffregen.  All rights reserved.
  Copyright (C) 2009 Shigeru Kobayashi.  All rights reserved.
  Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Jeff Hoefs.  All rights reserved.
  Copyright (C) 2015 Brian Schmalz. All rights reserved.

  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  See file LICENSE.txt for further informations on licensing terms.

  Last updated by Brian Schmalz: August 9th, 2015

#include <SoftPWMServo.h>  // Gives us PWM and Servo on every pin
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Firmata.h>

#define I2C_WRITE                   B00000000
#define I2C_READ                    B00001000
#define I2C_READ_CONTINUOUSLY       B00010000
#define I2C_STOP_READING            B00011000
#define I2C_READ_WRITE_MODE_MASK    B00011000
#define I2C_10BIT_ADDRESS_MODE_MASK B00100000
#define I2C_MAX_QUERIES             8

// the minimum interval for sampling analog input


/* analog inputs */
int analogInputsToReport = 0; // bitwise array to store pin reporting

/* digital input ports */
byte reportPINs[TOTAL_PORTS];       // 1 = report this port, 0 = silence
byte previousPINs[TOTAL_PORTS];     // previous 8 bits sent

/* pins configuration */
byte pinConfig[TOTAL_PINS];         // configuration of every pin
byte portConfigInputs[TOTAL_PORTS]; // each bit: 1 = pin in INPUT, 0 = anything else
int pinState[TOTAL_PINS];           // any value that has been written

/* timer variables */
unsigned long currentMillis;        // store the current value from millis()
unsigned long previousMillis;       // for comparison with currentMillis
unsigned int samplingInterval = 19; // how often to run the main loop (in ms)

/* i2c data */
struct i2c_device_info {
  byte addr;
  int reg;
  byte bytes;

/* for i2c read continuous more */
i2c_device_info query[I2C_MAX_QUERIES];

byte i2cRxData[32];
boolean isI2CEnabled = false;
signed char queryIndex = -1;
// default delay time between i2c read request and Wire.requestFrom()
unsigned int i2cReadDelayTime = 0;

SoftServo servos[MAX_SERVOS];
byte servoPinMap[TOTAL_PINS];
byte detachedServos[MAX_SERVOS];
byte detachedServoCount = 0;
byte servoCount = 0;

boolean isResetting = false;

/* utility functions */
void wireWrite(byte data)
#if ARDUINO >= 100

byte wireRead(void)
#if ARDUINO >= 100
  return Wire.receive();


void attachServo(byte pin, int minPulse, int maxPulse)
  if (servoCount < MAX_SERVOS) {
    // reuse indexes of detached servos until all have been reallocated
    if (detachedServoCount > 0) {
      servoPinMap[pin] = detachedServos[detachedServoCount - 1];
      if (detachedServoCount > 0) detachedServoCount--;
    } else {
      servoPinMap[pin] = servoCount;
    if (minPulse > 0 && maxPulse > 0) {
      servos[servoPinMap[pin]].attach(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), minPulse, maxPulse);
    } else {
  } else {
    Firmata.sendString("Max servos attached");

void detachServo(byte pin)
  // if we're detaching the last servo, decrement the count
  // otherwise store the index of the detached servo
  if (servoPinMap[pin] == servoCount && servoCount > 0) {
  } else if (servoCount > 0) {
    // keep track of detached servos because we want to reuse their indexes
    // before incrementing the count of attached servos
    detachedServos[detachedServoCount - 1] = servoPinMap[pin];

  servoPinMap[pin] = 255;

void readAndReportData(byte address, int theRegister, byte numBytes) {
  // allow I2C requests that don't require a register read
  // for example, some devices using an interrupt pin to signify new data available
  // do not always require the register read so upon interrupt you call Wire.requestFrom()
  if (theRegister != I2C_REGISTER_NOT_SPECIFIED) {
    // do not set a value of 0
    if (i2cReadDelayTime > 0) {
      // delay is necessary for some devices such as WiiNunchuck
  } else {
    theRegister = 0;  // fill the register with a dummy value

  Wire.requestFrom(address, numBytes);  // all bytes are returned in requestFrom

  // check to be sure correct number of bytes were returned by slave
  if (numBytes < Wire.available()) {
    Firmata.sendString("I2C: Too many bytes received");
  } else if (numBytes > Wire.available()) {
    Firmata.sendString("I2C: Too few bytes received");

  i2cRxData[0] = address;
  i2cRxData[1] = theRegister;

  for (int i = 0; i < numBytes && Wire.available(); i++) {
    i2cRxData[2 + i] = wireRead();

  // send slave address, register and received bytes
  Firmata.sendSysex(SYSEX_I2C_REPLY, numBytes + 2, i2cRxData);

void outputPort(byte portNumber, byte portValue, byte forceSend)
  // pins not configured as INPUT are cleared to zeros
  portValue = portValue & portConfigInputs[portNumber];
  // only send if the value is different than previously sent
  if (forceSend || previousPINs[portNumber] != portValue) {
    Firmata.sendDigitalPort(portNumber, portValue);
    previousPINs[portNumber] = portValue;

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * check all the active digital inputs for change of state, then add any events
 * to the Serial output queue using Serial.print() */
void checkDigitalInputs(void)
  /* Using non-looping code allows constants to be given to readPort().
   * The compiler will apply substantial optimizations if the inputs
   * to readPort() are compile-time constants. */
  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 0 && reportPINs[0]) outputPort(0, readPort(0, portConfigInputs[0]), false);
  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 1 && reportPINs[1]) outputPort(1, readPort(1, portConfigInputs[1]), false);
  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 2 && reportPINs[2]) outputPort(2, readPort(2, portConfigInputs[2]), false);
  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 3 && reportPINs[3]) outputPort(3, readPort(3, portConfigInputs[3]), false);
  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 4 && reportPINs[4]) outputPort(4, readPort(4, portConfigInputs[4]), false);
  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 5 && reportPINs[5]) outputPort(5, readPort(5, portConfigInputs[5]), false);
  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 6 && reportPINs[6]) outputPort(6, readPort(6, portConfigInputs[6]), false);
  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 7 && reportPINs[7]) outputPort(7, readPort(7, portConfigInputs[7]), false);
  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 8 && reportPINs[8]) outputPort(8, readPort(8, portConfigInputs[8]), false);
  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 9 && reportPINs[9]) outputPort(9, readPort(9, portConfigInputs[9]), false);
  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 10 && reportPINs[10]) outputPort(10, readPort(10, portConfigInputs[10]), false);
  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 11 && reportPINs[11]) outputPort(11, readPort(11, portConfigInputs[11]), false);
  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 12 && reportPINs[12]) outputPort(12, readPort(12, portConfigInputs[12]), false);
  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 13 && reportPINs[13]) outputPort(13, readPort(13, portConfigInputs[13]), false);
  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 14 && reportPINs[14]) outputPort(14, readPort(14, portConfigInputs[14]), false);
  if (TOTAL_PORTS > 15 && reportPINs[15]) outputPort(15, readPort(15, portConfigInputs[15]), false);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Sets a pin that is in Servo mode to a particular output value
 * (i.e. pulse width). Different boards may have different ways of
 * setting servo values, so putting it in a function keeps things cleaner.
void servoWrite(byte pin, int value)
  SoftPWMServoPWMWrite(PIN_TO_PWM(pin), value);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* sets the pin mode to the correct state and sets the relevant bits in the
 * two bit-arrays that track Digital I/O and PWM status
void setPinModeCallback(byte pin, int mode)
  if (pinConfig[pin] == IGNORE)

  if (pinConfig[pin] == I2C && isI2CEnabled && mode != I2C) {
    // disable i2c so pins can be used for other functions
    // the following if statements should reconfigure the pins properly
  if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin) && mode != SERVO) {
    if (servoPinMap[pin] < MAX_SERVOS && servos[servoPinMap[pin]].attached()) {
  if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin)) {
    reportAnalogCallback(PIN_TO_ANALOG(pin), mode == ANALOG ? 1 : 0); // turn on/off reporting
  if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
    if (mode == INPUT) {
      portConfigInputs[pin / 8] |= (1 << (pin & 7));
    } else {
      portConfigInputs[pin / 8] &= ~(1 << (pin & 7));
  pinState[pin] = 0;
  switch (mode) {
    case ANALOG:
      if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin)) {
        if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
          pinMode(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), INPUT);    // disable output driver
          digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), LOW); // disable internal pull-ups
        pinConfig[pin] = ANALOG;
    case INPUT:
      if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
        pinMode(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), INPUT);    // disable output driver
        digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), LOW); // disable internal pull-ups
        pinConfig[pin] = INPUT;
    case OUTPUT:
      if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
        digitalWrite(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), LOW); // disable PWM
        pinMode(PIN_TO_DIGITAL(pin), OUTPUT);
        pinConfig[pin] = OUTPUT;
    case PWM:
      if (IS_PIN_PWM(pin)) {
        pinMode(PIN_TO_PWM(pin), OUTPUT);
        servoWrite(PIN_TO_PWM(pin), 0);
        pinConfig[pin] = PWM;
    case SERVO:
      if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
        pinConfig[pin] = SERVO;
        if (servoPinMap[pin] == 255 || !servos[servoPinMap[pin]].attached()) {
          // pass -1 for min and max pulse values to use default values set
          // by Servo library
          attachServo(pin, -1, -1);
    case I2C:
      if (IS_PIN_I2C(pin)) {
        // mark the pin as i2c
        // the user must call I2C_CONFIG to enable I2C for a device
        pinConfig[pin] = I2C;
      Firmata.sendString("Unknown pin mode"); // TODO: put error msgs in EEPROM
  // TODO: save status to EEPROM here, if changed

void analogWriteCallback(byte pin, int value)
  if (pin < TOTAL_PINS) {
    switch (pinConfig[pin]) {
      case SERVO:
        if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin))
        pinState[pin] = value;
      case PWM:
        if (IS_PIN_PWM(pin))
          servoWrite(PIN_TO_PWM(pin), value);
        pinState[pin] = value;

void digitalWriteCallback(byte port, int value)
  byte pin, lastPin, mask = 1, pinWriteMask = 0;

  if (port < TOTAL_PORTS) {
    // create a mask of the pins on this port that are writable.
    lastPin = port * 8 + 8;
    if (lastPin > TOTAL_PINS) lastPin = TOTAL_PINS;
    for (pin = port * 8; pin < lastPin; pin++) {
      // do not disturb non-digital pins (eg, Rx & Tx)
      if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
        // only write to OUTPUT and INPUT (enables pullup)
        // do not touch pins in PWM, ANALOG, SERVO or other modes
        if (pinConfig[pin] == OUTPUT || pinConfig[pin] == INPUT) {
          pinWriteMask |= mask;
          pinState[pin] = ((byte)value & mask) ? 1 : 0;
      mask = mask << 1;
    writePort(port, (byte)value, pinWriteMask);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* sets bits in a bit array (int) to toggle the reporting of the analogIns
//void FirmataClass::setAnalogPinReporting(byte pin, byte state) {
void reportAnalogCallback(byte analogPin, int value)
  if (analogPin < TOTAL_ANALOG_PINS) {
    if (value == 0) {
      analogInputsToReport = analogInputsToReport & ~ (1 << analogPin);
    } else {
      analogInputsToReport = analogInputsToReport | (1 << analogPin);
      // prevent during system reset or all analog pin values will be reported
      // which may report noise for unconnected analog pins
      if (!isResetting) {
        // Send pin value immediately. This is helpful when connected via
        // ethernet, wi-fi or bluetooth so pin states can be known upon
        // reconnecting.
        Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, analogRead(analogPin));
  // TODO: save status to EEPROM here, if changed

void reportDigitalCallback(byte port, int value)
  if (port < TOTAL_PORTS) {
    reportPINs[port] = (byte)value;
    // Send port value immediately. This is helpful when connected via
    // ethernet, wi-fi or bluetooth so pin states can be known upon
    // reconnecting.
    if (value) outputPort(port, readPort(port, portConfigInputs[port]), true);
  // do not disable analog reporting on these 8 pins, to allow some
  // pins used for digital, others analog.  Instead, allow both types
  // of reporting to be enabled, but check if the pin is configured
  // as analog when sampling the analog inputs.  Likewise, while
  // scanning digital pins, portConfigInputs will mask off values from any
  // pins configured as analog

 * SYSEX-BASED commands

void sysexCallback(byte command, byte argc, byte *argv)
  byte mode;
  byte slaveAddress;
  byte data;
  int slaveRegister;
  unsigned int delayTime;

  switch (command) {
    case I2C_REQUEST:
      mode = argv[1] & I2C_READ_WRITE_MODE_MASK;
      if (argv[1] & I2C_10BIT_ADDRESS_MODE_MASK) {
        Firmata.sendString("10-bit addressing not supported");
      else {
        slaveAddress = argv[0];

      switch (mode) {
        case I2C_WRITE:
          for (byte i = 2; i < argc; i += 2) {
            data = argv[i] + (argv[i + 1] << 7);
        case I2C_READ:
          if (argc == 6) {
            // a slave register is specified
            slaveRegister = argv[2] + (argv[3] << 7);
            data = argv[4] + (argv[5] << 7);  // bytes to read
          else {
            // a slave register is NOT specified
            slaveRegister = I2C_REGISTER_NOT_SPECIFIED;
            data = argv[2] + (argv[3] << 7);  // bytes to read
          readAndReportData(slaveAddress, (int)slaveRegister, data);
          if ((queryIndex + 1) >= I2C_MAX_QUERIES) {
            // too many queries, just ignore
            Firmata.sendString("too many queries");
          if (argc == 6) {
            // a slave register is specified
            slaveRegister = argv[2] + (argv[3] << 7);
            data = argv[4] + (argv[5] << 7);  // bytes to read
          else {
            // a slave register is NOT specified
            slaveRegister = (int)I2C_REGISTER_NOT_SPECIFIED;
            data = argv[2] + (argv[3] << 7);  // bytes to read
          query[queryIndex].addr = slaveAddress;
          query[queryIndex].reg = slaveRegister;
          query[queryIndex].bytes = data;
        case I2C_STOP_READING:
          byte queryIndexToSkip;
          // if read continuous mode is enabled for only 1 i2c device, disable
          // read continuous reporting for that device
          if (queryIndex <= 0) {
            queryIndex = -1;
          } else {
            // if read continuous mode is enabled for multiple devices,
            // determine which device to stop reading and remove it's data from
            // the array, shifiting other array data to fill the space
            for (byte i = 0; i < queryIndex + 1; i++) {
              if (query[i].addr == slaveAddress) {
                queryIndexToSkip = i;

            for (byte i = queryIndexToSkip; i < queryIndex + 1; i++) {
              if (i < I2C_MAX_QUERIES) {
                query[i].addr = query[i + 1].addr;
                query[i].reg = query[i + 1].reg;
                query[i].bytes = query[i + 1].bytes;
    case I2C_CONFIG:
      delayTime = (argv[0] + (argv[1] << 7));

      if (delayTime > 0) {
        i2cReadDelayTime = delayTime;

      if (!isI2CEnabled) {

    case SERVO_CONFIG:
      if (argc > 4) {
        // these vars are here for clarity, they'll optimized away by the compiler
        byte pin = argv[0];
        int minPulse = argv[1] + (argv[2] << 7);
        int maxPulse = argv[3] + (argv[4] << 7);

        if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
          if (servoPinMap[pin] < MAX_SERVOS && servos[servoPinMap[pin]].attached()) {
          attachServo(pin, minPulse, maxPulse);
          setPinModeCallback(pin, SERVO);
      if (argc > 1) {
        samplingInterval = argv[0] + (argv[1] << 7);
        if (samplingInterval < MINIMUM_SAMPLING_INTERVAL) {
          samplingInterval = MINIMUM_SAMPLING_INTERVAL;
      } else {
        //Firmata.sendString("Not enough data");
      if (argc > 1) {
        int val = argv[1];
        if (argc > 2) val |= (argv[2] << 7);
        if (argc > 3) val |= (argv[3] << 14);
        analogWriteCallback(argv[0], val);
      for (byte pin = 0; pin < TOTAL_PINS; pin++) {
        if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
        if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin)) {
          Firmata.write(10); // 10 = 10-bit resolution
        if (IS_PIN_PWM(pin)) {
          Firmata.write(8); // 8 = 8-bit resolution
        if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
        if (IS_PIN_I2C(pin)) {
          Firmata.write(1);  // TODO: could assign a number to map to SCL or SDA
      if (argc > 0) {
        byte pin = argv[0];
        if (pin < TOTAL_PINS) {
          Firmata.write((byte)pinState[pin] & 0x7F);
          if (pinState[pin] & 0xFF80) Firmata.write((byte)(pinState[pin] >> 7) & 0x7F);
          if (pinState[pin] & 0xC000) Firmata.write((byte)(pinState[pin] >> 14) & 0x7F);
      for (byte pin = 0; pin < TOTAL_PINS; pin++) {
        Firmata.write(IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin) ? PIN_TO_ANALOG(pin) : 127);

void enableI2CPins()
  byte i;
  // is there a faster way to do this? would probaby require importing
  // Arduino.h to get SCL and SDA pins
  for (i = 0; i < TOTAL_PINS; i++) {
    if (IS_PIN_I2C(i)) {
      // mark pins as i2c so they are ignore in non i2c data requests
      setPinModeCallback(i, I2C);

  isI2CEnabled = true;


/* disable the i2c pins so they can be used for other functions */
void disableI2CPins() {
  isI2CEnabled = false;
  // disable read continuous mode for all devices
  queryIndex = -1;

 * SETUP()

void systemResetCallback()
  isResetting = true;
  // initialize a defalt state
  // TODO: option to load config from EEPROM instead of default
  if (isI2CEnabled) {

  for (byte i = 0; i < TOTAL_PORTS; i++) {
    reportPINs[i] = false;    // by default, reporting off
    portConfigInputs[i] = 0;  // until activated
    previousPINs[i] = 0;

  for (byte i = 0; i < TOTAL_PINS; i++) {
    // pins with analog capability default to analog input
    // otherwise, pins default to digital output
    if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(i)) {
      // turns off pullup, configures everything
      setPinModeCallback(i, ANALOG);
    } else {
      // sets the output to 0, configures portConfigInputs
      setPinModeCallback(i, OUTPUT);

    servoPinMap[i] = 255;
  // by default, do not report any analog inputs
  analogInputsToReport = 0;

  detachedServoCount = 0;
  servoCount = 0;

  /* send digital inputs to set the initial state on the host computer,
   * since once in the loop(), this firmware will only send on change */
  TODO: this can never execute, since no pins default to digital input
        but it will be needed when/if we support EEPROM stored config
  for (byte i=0; i < TOTAL_PORTS; i++) {
    outputPort(i, readPort(i, portConfigInputs[i]), true);
  isResetting = false;

void setup()

  Firmata.attach(ANALOG_MESSAGE, analogWriteCallback);
  Firmata.attach(DIGITAL_MESSAGE, digitalWriteCallback);
  Firmata.attach(REPORT_ANALOG, reportAnalogCallback);
  Firmata.attach(REPORT_DIGITAL, reportDigitalCallback);
  Firmata.attach(SET_PIN_MODE, setPinModeCallback);
  Firmata.attach(START_SYSEX, sysexCallback);
  Firmata.attach(SYSTEM_RESET, systemResetCallback);

  /* For chipKIT Pi board, we need to use Serial1. All others just use Serial. */
#if defined(_BOARD_CHIPKIT_PI_)
  systemResetCallback();  // reset to default config

 * LOOP()
void loop()
  byte pin, analogPin;

  /* DIGITALREAD - as fast as possible, check for changes and output them to the
   * FTDI buffer using Serial.print()  */

  /* STREAMREAD - processing incoming messagse as soon as possible, while still
   * checking digital inputs.  */
  while (Firmata.available())

  // TODO - ensure that Stream buffer doesn't go over 60 bytes

  currentMillis = millis();
  if (currentMillis - previousMillis > samplingInterval) {
    previousMillis += samplingInterval;
    /* ANALOGREAD - do all analogReads() at the configured sampling interval */
    for (pin = 0; pin < TOTAL_PINS; pin++) {
      if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin) && pinConfig[pin] == ANALOG) {
        analogPin = PIN_TO_ANALOG(pin);
        if (analogInputsToReport & (1 << analogPin)) {
          Firmata.sendAnalog(analogPin, analogRead(analogPin));
    // report i2c data for all device with read continuous mode enabled
    if (queryIndex > -1) {
      for (byte i = 0; i < queryIndex + 1; i++) {
        readAndReportData(query[i].addr, query[i].reg, query[i].bytes);



Protocol Version Numbers

Name Value Description
FIRMATA_MAJOR_VERSION [version] For non-compatible changes
FIRMATA_MINOR_VERSION [version] For backwards compatible changes
FIRMATA_BUGFIX_VERSION [version] For bugfix releases


Name Value Description
MAX_DATA_BYTES 64 Max number of data bytes in incoming messages
TOTAL_PIN_MODES 11 Total pin modes defined in this library


Message Command Bytes

Name Value Description
DIGITAL_MESSAGE 0x90 Send data for a digital port (collection of 8 pins)s
ANALOG_MESSAGE 0xE0 Send data for an analog pin (or PWM)
REPORT_ANALOG 0xC0 Enable analog input by pin #
REPORT_DIGITAL 0xD0 Enable digital input by port pair
REPORT_VERSION 0xF9 Report protocol version
START_SYSEX 0xF0 Start a MIDI Sysex message
END_SYSEX 0xF7 End a MIDI Sysex message

Extended Command Set

Name Value Description
ENCODER_DATA 0x61 Reply with encoders current positions
SERVO_CONFIG 0x70 Set max angle, minPulse, maxPulse, freq
STRING_DATA 0x71 A string message with 14-bits per char
STEPPER_DATA 0x72 Control a stepper motor
ONEWIRE_DATA 0x73 Send an OneWire read/write/reset/select/skip/search request
SHIFT_DATA 0x75 A bitstream to/from a shift register
I2C_REQUEST 0x76 Send an I2C read/write request
I2C_REPLY 0x77 A reply to an I2C read request
I2C_CONFIG 0x78 Config I2C settings such as delay times and power pins
EXTENDED_ANALOG 0x6F Analog write (PWM, Servo, etc) to any pin
PIN_STATE_QUERY 0x6D Ask for a pin's current mode and value
PIN_STATE_RESPONSE 0x6E Reply with pin's current mode and value
CAPABILITY_QUERY 0x6B Ask for supported modes and resolution of all pins
CAPABILITY_RESPONSE 0x6C reply with supported modes and resolution
ANALOG_MAPPING_QUERY 0x69 Ask for mapping of analog to pin numbers
ANALOG_MAPPING_RESPONSE 0x6A Reply with mapping info
REPORT_FIRMWARE 0x79 Report name and version of the firmware
SAMPLING_INTERVAL 0x7A Set the poll rate of the main loop
SCHEDULER_DATA 0x7B Send a createtask/deletetask/addtotask/schedule/querytasks/querytask request to the scheduler
SYSEX_NON_REALTIME 0x7E MIDI Reserved for non-realtime messages
SYSEX_REALTIME 0x7F MIDI Reserved for realtime messages these are DEPRECATED to make the naming more consistent

Pin Modes

Name Value Description
DIGITAL_MESSAGE 0x90 Send data for a digital port (collection of 8 pins)s
INPUT 0x00 defined in Arduino.h
OUTPUT 0x01 defined in Arduino.h
ANALOG 0x02 Analog pin in analogInput mode
PWM 0x03 Digital pin in PWM output mode
SERVO 0x04 Digital pin in Servo output mode
SHIFT 0x05 ShiftIn/shiftOut mode
I2C 0x06 Pin included in I2C setup
ONEWIRE 0x07 Pin configured for 1-wire
STEPPER 0x08 Pin configured for stepper motor
ENCODER 0x09 Pin configured for rotary encoders
IGNORE 0x7F Pin configured to be ignored by digitalWrite and capabilityResponse

Public Functions


void begin();

Begin method with default serial bitrate of 57600


void begin(long);

Begin method for overriding default serial bitrate

begin(Stream &s)

void begin(Stream &s);

Begin method for overriding default stream


void printVersion(void);

Output the protocol version message to the serial port


void printFirmwareVersion(void);

Blink the VERSION_BLINK_PIN pin with the protocol version (typically pin 13)

setFirmwareNameAndVersion(const char *name, byte major, byte minor)

void setFirmwareNameAndVersion(const char *name, byte major, byte minor);

Sets the firmware name and version


int available(void);

Check to see if there are any incoming messages in the buffer


void processInput(void);

Process incoming messages from the buffer, sending the data to any registered callback functions

sendAnalog(byte pin, int value)

void sendAnalog(byte pin, int value);

Send an analog message

sendDigital(byte pin, int value)

void sendDigital(byte pin, int value); // TODO implement this

Send a single digital pin in a digital message

sendDigitalPort(byte portNumber, int portData)

void sendDigitalPort(byte portNumber, int portData);

Send 14-bits in a single digital message (protocol v1)or send an 8-bit port in a single digital message (protocol v2)

sendString(const char *string)

void sendString(const char *string);

send a string as the protocol string type

sendString(byte command, const char *string)

void sendString(byte command, const char *string);

Send a string

sendSysex(byte command, byte bytec, byte *bytev)

void sendSysex(byte command, byte bytec, byte *bytev);

Send a command with an arbitrary array of bytes

write(byte c)

void write(byte c);

Write a byte to the Stream

attach(byte command, callbackFunction newFunction)

void attach(byte command, callbackFunction newFunction);

attach(byte command, systemResetCallbackFunction newFunction)

void attach(byte command, systemResetCallbackFunction newFunction);

Attach a function to an incoming message type

attach(byte command, stringCallbackFunction newFunction)

void attach(byte command, stringCallbackFunction newFunction);

Attach a function to an incoming message type

attach(byte command, sysexCallbackFunction newFunction)

void attach(byte command, sysexCallbackFunction newFunction);

Attach a function to an incoming message type

detach(byte command)

void detach(byte command);

Detach a function from an incoming message type

External Links