chipKIT® Development Platform

Inspired by Arduino™

NodeBots Day

Posted 2015-07-31 15:57:29 by Majenko


This past Saturday, a large group gathered at HeatSync Labs in Mesa, AZ to celebrate International NodeBots Day. In case you haven't heard, NodeBots is a Javascript-based protocol for remote control of mechatronic devices. NodeBots works with JohnnyFive and Firmata to create robots based on Arduino-compatible boards. Microchip donated 25 chipKIT Uno32 boards for the event.

Attendees displayed plenty of creativity as "weapons" and other intimidating features were added to the standard robot chassis provided. It was all in good fun, even if some parts were left in the arena after several contests. The highlight of the day was a concluding "Battle Royale", in which the surviving contestants teamed up in an attempt to defeat the evil Centibot (a wireless, hybrid machine comprised of three chassis linked together.) As the struggle continued, the Centibot's six drive wheels were disabled one by one, until a truce was finally called.

It was a fun day, and attendees took their creations home (leading no doubt to some interesting encounters with the family pet!)