chipKIT uC32 | |
![]() | |
Specifications | |
Controller | PIC32MX340F512H |
Flash | 512kB |
RAM | 32kB |
Speed | 80MHz |
Information | |
Board Define | _BOARD_UC32_ |
Links | |
Designer | Digilent Inc. |
Product Page | |
User Guide | chipkit_uc32:chipkit_uc32_rm.pdf |
Schematic | chipkit_uc32_sch.pdf |
Tech Support | |
Board Files | Eagle (ZIP) |
Bootloader HEX | Bootloader Image (ZIP) |
Purchase From | Microchip |
The chipKIT™ uC32 development board is an Arduino-style platform for developing microcontroller-based applications. It uses the chipKIT-core™ and Arduino IDE, for compatibility with existing code examples, tutorials and resources. chipKIT™ uC32 is also pin-compatible with many Arduino shields that can operate at 3.3V.
LED Name | Description |
LD1 | USB TX Activity LED |
LD2 | USB RX Activity LED |
LD3 | 3.3V Power Indicator |
LD4 | Digital pin 13 |
LD5 | Digital pin 43 |
Analog Input | Digital Pin |
A0 | 14 |
A1 | 15 |
A2 | 16 |
A3 | 17 |
A4 | 18 |
A5 | 19 |
A6 | 20 |
A7 | 21 |
A8 | 22 |
A9 | 23 |
A10 | 24 |
A11 | 25 |
Serial Object | UART | TX Pin | RX Pin |
Serial | USB/UART1 | 1 | 0 |
Serial1 | UART2 | 40 | 39 |
I2C SCK pin is Digial 46, and SDA is Digital 45.
The pins are shared with analong pins A4 and A5 and must be selected using jumpers JP6 and JP8. For JP6 and JP8: Short Pins 1&2 for Analog input mode adn Pins 2&3 for I2C mode.
SPI SS is Digital 10, MOSI is Digital 11, MISO is Digital 12, CLK is Digital 13.
Jumpers JP5 and JP7 are used to select whether the uC32 operates as a Master (transmit on MOSI, receive on MISO) or a Slave (transmit on MISO, receive on MOSI) device.
Quick reference: There are two user LEDs (Pin 11, Pin 43), and 12 analog inputs (Pin 14 - Pin 25, A0 - A11). All 47 are usable as GPIO, however some may be in use when used with the Arduino platform.
chipKIT Pin # | Connector Pin # | PIC32 Pin # | PIC32 Signal | Notes |
0 | J6-01 | 34 | U1RX/SDI1/RF2 | |
1 | J6-03 | 33 | U1TX/SDO1/RF3 | |
2 | J6-05 | 42 | IC1/RTCC/INT1/RD8 | |
3 | J6-07 | 46 | OC1/RD0 | |
4 | J6-09 | 59 | RF1 | |
5 | J6-11 | 49 | OC2/RD1 | |
6 | J6-13 | 50 | OC3/RD2 | |
7 | J6-15 | 43 | IC2/U1CTS/INT2/RD9 | |
8 | J5-01 | 44 | IC3/PMCS2/PMA15/INT3/RD10 | |
9 | J5-03 | 51 | OC4/RD3 | |
10 | J5-05 | 52 | PMWR/OC5/IC5/CN13/RD4 | Selected by JP4, also on J8-6 |
11 | J5-07 | 6 | SDO2/PMA3/CN10/RG8 | Selected by JP5, also on J8-1 |
12 | J5-09 | 5 | SDI2/PMA5/CN8/RG7 | Selected by JP7, also on J8-4 |
13 | J5-11 | 4 | SCK2/PMA5/CN8/RG6 | Also on J8-3, User LED LD4 |
14/A0 | J7-01 | 14 | C2IN-/AN2/SS1/CN4/RB2 | |
15/A1 | J7-03 | 12 | C1IN-/AN4/CN6/RB4 | |
16/A2 | J7-05 | 21 | U2CTS/C1OUT/AN8/RB8 | |
17/A3 | J7-07 | 23 | TMS/CVREFOUT/PMA13/AN10/RB10 | |
18/A4 | J7-09 | 27 | TCK/PMA11/AN12/RB12 | Selected by JP6 |
19/A5 | J7-11 | 29 | PMALH/PMA1/U2RTS/AN14/RB14 | Selected by JP8 |
20/A6 | J7-02 | 13 | C2IN+/AN3/CN5/RB3 | |
21/A7 | J7-03 | 11 | C1IN+/AN5/CN7/RB5 | |
22/A8 | J7-06 | 22 | PMA7/C2OUT/AN9/RB9 | |
23/A9 | J7-08 | 24 | TDO/PMA12/AN11/RB11 | |
24/A10 | J7-10 | 28 | TDI/PMA10/AN13/RB13 | |
25/A11 | J7-12 | 30 | PMALL/PMA0/AN15/OCFB/CN12/RB15 | |
26 | J6-02 | 60 | PMD0/RE0 | |
27 | J6-04 | 61 | PMD1/RE1 | |
28 | J6-06 | 62 | PMD2/RE2 | |
29 | J6-08 | 63 | PMD3/RE3 | |
30 | J6-10 | 64 | PMD4/RE4 | |
31 | J6-12 | 1 | PMD5/RE5 | |
32 | J6-14 | 2 | PMD6/RE6 | |
33 | J6-16 | 3 | PMD7/RE7 | |
34 | J5-02 | 53 | PMRD/CN14/RD5 | |
35 | J5-04 | 45 | IC4/PMCS1/PMA14/INT4/RD11 | |
36 | J5-06 | 54 | CN15/RD6 | |
37 | J5-08 | 55 | CN16/RD7 | |
38 | J5-10 | 35 | U1RTS/BCLK1/SCK1/INT0/RF6 | |
39 | J5-12 | 31 | PMA9/U2RX/SDA2/CN17/RF4 | |
40 | J5-14 | 32 | PMA8/U2TX/SCL2/CN18/RF5 | |
41 | J5-16 | 15 | PGC1/AN1/VREF-/CVREF-/CN3/RB1 | |
42 | J5-15 | 16 | PGED1/PMA6/AN0/VREF+/CVREF+/CN2/RB0 | |
43 | N/A | 58 | RF0 | User LED LD5 |
44 | J5-05 | 8 | PMA2/SS2/CN11/RG9 | Selected by JP4, also on J8-6 |
45 | J11-1, J7-09 | 36 | SDA1/RG3 | Selected by JP6 |
46 | J11-2, J7-11 | 37 | SCL1/RG2 | Selected by JP8 |