We are pleased to announce the winners of the chipKIT Platform Design Contest.
Develop an original application using a chipKIT platform, an existing, known-working shield, and existing, known-working libraries. Participants will have the choice of using a chipKIT Max32, Uno32 or uC32 platform.
Develop an original application using a chipKIT platform and an existing shield where associated libraries are modified to exploit specific features of the chipKIT platform's PIC32 device and associated peripherals. Participants will have the choice of using a chipKIT Max32, Uno32 or uC32 platform.
Develop an original shield that will highlight the additional functionality of the PIC32 devices populating the chipKIT platform. Participants will have the choice of using a chipKIT Max32, Uno32 or uC32 platform.
Winning entries were determined through the use of a survey grading each application on:
Congratulations to all who participated. You all did an amazing job!! Please visit the contest YouTube channel to view all entries at www.youtube.com/chipkitcontest