chipKIT® Development Platform

Inspired by Arduino™

USB Host Shield

Created Fri, 21 Sep 2012 10:44:01 +0000 by slipy


Fri, 21 Sep 2012 10:44:01 +0000

First of all, I want to say hello to everybody because I'm new to this forum.

Second point is that I'm spanish and my English level isn't really good, so maybe I'll need some extra-help.

Now go to the truble...:

I've recently bought this USB Host Shield (which is from sparkfun). Now I'm trying to use it with my chipKIT UNO32 (but I'm not good enough to do that :lol: ). I've found this information about some changes that shield needs to work with USB Host Library 2.0.

That's one point (the simply one). The other one is, of course, get to be able to use the shield. I've been looking arround and I think there are no libraries for USB Host Shield to work on a chipKIT.

I know that what I should do is modificate the code which implies the lower level of the chip, but I don't know how I must start. I need that someone can explain me how to identificate the sheets of code I must change, and where I have to look in the datasheet (I supose is there) to write and get the good library.

I know that will be a really hard task, but I've really wanted to learn and work for that.

I think I must say too that what I want to get is to connect the PS3 controller to my chipKIT UNO32 via Bluetooth(which implies that maybe I don't need to modify so much files from the library and maybe 4 or 5).

Really sorry to the "ortographic lovers" for my (I supose) many thousands of mistakes.

Thanks. Slipy.