chipKIT® Development Platform

Inspired by Arduino™

How to use PinChangeInterrupt In ChipKit WF32?

Created Sat, 13 Feb 2016 23:11:32 +0000 by zgsnj1234


Sat, 13 Feb 2016 23:11:32 +0000

My final year project need to use ChipKit WF32 and there is a sensor need to use the library PinChangeInt(a library in Arduino). However, I try to import it in and cannot run well. So are there any library like PinChangeInt on ChipKit WF32 can run well? Cheers! :?


Sat, 13 Feb 2016 23:16:25 +0000

PinChangeInt will never run on the chipKIT because it relies on AVR hardware, not PIC32 hardware.

Instead you need the chipKIT ChangeNotification library:

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