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What's the latest stable MPIDE that supports the Fubarino?

Created Fri, 17 Jul 2015 22:22:25 +0000 by linuxha


Fri, 17 Jul 2015 22:22:25 +0000

I am one very grumpy programmer right now. I've just spent a couple of days porting my code (the WIZNET W5x00 code and the MQTT libraries). I've been bouncing between 4 different version of MPIDE (2 x 0023 and 2 x 1500). I managed to get the UNO32 and Fubarino Mini to compile (and work) under 0023 20140821 (64 bit). So I'll stick with that for the moment.

What I'd like to know is what is the latest stable release? I'm tired of the compiler coming up with different ways to not compile.

Oh, I found that the SPI is on:

MISO: 27 MOSI: 29 SCLK: 4 SS: 30

That messed me up for a while too.

PS: I can do more than complain. I can help if someone would be kind enough to point me in the correct direction. I like the PIC32s.


Fri, 17 Jul 2015 23:20:45 +0000


Well, the latest test build is here : [url][/url]

And the latest 'release' build is here : [url][/url]

Both of which support Fubarino SD and Fubarino Mini.

If you're having specific problems getting something to compile, please let us know, and we'll do the best we can to help you out. As far as I know, none of those releases (or any of the inbetween test ones) have a broken compiler in them.

We can certainly use your help in making MPIDE work more smoothly! If you can contribute bug reports on GitHub, or even on this forum, it would be much appreciated. If you can help us fix things, that would be even more awesome!

I love PIC32s too, and I think MPIDE (and UECIDE, and the new chipKIT core) all have a really bright future ahead. We just need more folks to help smooth out some of the rough edges.



Fri, 17 Jul 2015 23:23:46 +0000

Hello linuxha,

If you are using Linux you can find the latest download here [url][/url] which is currently mpide-0023-linux64-20140821 that you have said above.

Another tip if you don't know this already is that you can look at the specific pin information (Uno or Fubarino Mini) by following the folder path hardware->pic32->variants then selecting the folder for the specific board you are working with and looking at the Board_Data.c file or the Board_Defs.h file. The "hardware" folder I am referring to can be seen in this photo [url][/url].

Example of Windows file path once inside the MPIDE folder on your computer (below): ***\hardware\pic32\variants...

So for the Uno board pin out files ***\hardware\pic32\variants\Uno32

or for Fubarino Mini board pin out files ***\hardware\pic32\variants\Fubarino_Mini

Here is the code snippet taken from the Fubarino Mini Board_Defs.h file verifying what you have said about SPI.

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*					SPI Pin Declarations	      */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
const static uint8_t SS   = 30;		// PIC32 SS2
const static uint8_t MOSI = 29;		// PIC32 SDO2
const static uint8_t MISO = 27;		// PIC32 SDI2
const static uint8_t SCK  = 4;		// PIC32 SCK2

For the Uno folder Board_Defs.h file you can find this.

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*					SPI Pin Declarations	      */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
const static uint8_t SS   = 10;       // for SPI master operation, this
						  // is actually RD4 (JP4 in RD4 pos)
const static uint8_t MOSI = 11;     // PIC32 SDO2
const static uint8_t MISO = 12;	  // PIC32 SDI2
const static uint8_t SCK  = 13;	  // PIC32 SCK2

Hope this helps.


Sat, 18 Jul 2015 22:01:20 +0000

Thanks for the confirmation on the 20140821 version. I think a lot of the errors I ran into are dealing with the C++ features used by the Wiznet Ethernet 1.50 library vs the 0.23 library. C++ is not one of my favorite languages and I haven't really used it in depth in a number of years. I'll be spending a bit more time with it now.

Thanks for the pointers to the board files. I've been spending a lot of time in the hardware/pic32/library/SPI folder trying to understand the workings of the SPI. I expect to spend a bit more time working on the DSPI library too so those files will be of great use to me.