chipKIT® Development Platform

Inspired by Arduino™

Chipkit reference equivalent to Arduino

Created Tue, 13 Jan 2015 18:05:25 +0000 by samdesd


Tue, 13 Jan 2015 18:05:25 +0000

Is there any equivalent (or differences) to this Arduino reference ( for the Chipkit implementation?



Tue, 13 Jan 2015 18:32:25 +0000

Not really, no. Mainly because it's in a state of flux at the moment.

It was pretty much identical to the 0023 Arduino API. Recently though it's been gradually morphing more towards the 1.0.x API.

Mostly it's the same as working on Arduino, but there are some differences - mainly to take advantage of the extra power and peripherals of the PIC32. For instance, instead of using the SPI library like you would on the Arduino it is recommended that you use the DSPI library instead. This allows you to use all the SPI ports on the chip, as well as doing advanced things like 32-bit transfers, high speed block transfers, etc.

Just use the Arduino reference, and if you run into something not working right, or just not there at all, shout up on here and we'll show you the alternative way if there is one, and also flag it for improving our 1.0.x compatibility.


Wed, 14 Jan 2015 02:37:08 +0000

Ha....ha will do. Thanks again Majenko.



Thu, 15 Jan 2015 04:58:16 +0000

Some of the new libraries written for chipKIT are documented here:

The organization could be better, but those links should give you an idea of what can be done with the Task Manager and SoftPWMServo libraries, for example.



Thu, 15 Jan 2015 11:20:57 +0000

Thanks guymc.



Tue, 20 Jan 2015 01:13:28 +0000

Watch out for that majenko guy -- he helped me out a lot! :D (that is me trying to be funny in good way)

Hey majenko, sorry I disappeared -- had a huge cad project that sucked the life out of me. Next up, I'm going to sniff fuel injection CAN bus on a MAX32. What's the latest with things chipKIT? When I get back into it, I'm going to try a fresh start with your uecide. :D

Thanks, Chris


Wed, 18 Mar 2015 05:39:52 +0000

For instance, instead of using the SPI library like you would on the Arduino it is recommended that you use the DSPI library instead. This allows you to use all the SPI ports on the chip, as well as doing advanced things like 32-bit transfers, high speed block transfers, etc. Mostly it's the same as working on Arduino, but there are some differences - mainly to take advantage of the extra power and peripherals of the PIC32.


Mon, 14 Dec 2015 20:50:59 +0000

Not really, no. Mainly because it's in a state of flux at the moment...It was pretty much identical to the 0023 Arduino API...

:) Thanks majenko, this was almost what I was looking for answer. Being relatively new to PIC32 (Chipkit pro MX7 and UECIDE for about 15 hours), I encountered the Arduino Serial Reference Function. Seing that the ChipKit Core Function Serial Communications Category ( will list only 9 out of 21 Arduino Serial functions,

I am wondering, its not clear actually, if all those missing serial functions from ChipKit are available anyway ? How is that handled exactly ? Any suggestions and tips on using Serial is very welcome.

Thanks for your input



Mon, 14 Dec 2015 21:50:01 +0000

Most of the functions listed on the Arduino site under Serial are actually inherited from the Stream object. The Stream object was recently updated (by me) to provide everything the Arduino API provides. We're pretty much as close to the Arduino API as possible now.