chipKIT® Development Platform

Inspired by Arduino™

20140316 official release

Created Tue, 08 Apr 2014 01:51:25 +0000 by ricklon


Tue, 08 Apr 2014 01:51:25 +0000

Hi All, it's been a while. But there really is a new release it's been built and hanging around since March 16th, 2014. It's going to be the last release that only has MX support. Future releases will be compatible with the MZ chip and the MX chip. We'll be rolling fixes forward into the new test releases.

If there are any issues with these release please report them to the official issue list at: [url][/url]

Mac OS X:[url][/url] Windows: [url][/url] Linux: [url][/url] Raspberry Pi: [url][/url] chipKIT Pi: Need to confirm a new build.

Release notes: Issues resolved since last release in 201307015: Issue details: [url][/url]

#420 i2c update to allow valid compilation of Arduino 1.x Wire.h methods #415 Fixed chipKIT Pi's broken hardware interrupt pins. #414 Potential fix for issue $402 - as per majenkotech's dreamy suggestion, w... #413 MPIDE 20130715 on Mac will not compile for Fubarino SD #410 Arduino Uno will not upload in MPIDE 20130715 on Mac #408 Arduino drivers in MPIDE are not signed. #407 Added support for all 6 serial ports on Microchip version of Fubarino SD... #405 chipKIT PI PWM outputs don't work #404 output_compare_to_digital_pin_PGM[] not correct for most MX1/2 Board_Data.c files #401 Github ended support for the download page. #399 Removed default serial string #397 Clean repository to remove large deleted files #396 Added begin() armour to wire library to allow multiple calls to begin() ... #393 Allowed overriding of cdcacm strings and IDs #392 SoftPWMServo library - every 107.3 seconds, output 'glitches' libraries #391 Cleaned up warnings for compiling Blink.pde on all boards #390 Enabled virtual program button in Quick240 #389 Rebranding Cerebot to chipKIT #388 Created CUI32Stem specific variant #387 Changes to board def files #386 Entries from pins_arduino.h were not properly entered in previous keywords.txt #385 tweaks to keywords.txt and theme.txt #384 Improving MPIDE highlighting of keywords #383 Started fixing issue #382 - updating chipKIT Pi variant files. #382 Updated chipKIT Pi variant files #381 Added pull-up definitions to max32 #380 Raspberry Pi build does not contain correct avrdude.conf file #379 upload max was sized too small, sized for USB not FTDI #378 Switched CDC to using line status to determine endpoint presence. #377 fixed serial to use more than just _SER0_VECTOR #376 Update HardwareSerial.cpp #375 Update boards.txt #374 uint8_t/uint16_t on digital_pin_to_timer_PGM and Sd2 PinMap for WF32 #373 Added chipKIT Pi variant files #372 build.xml does not handle 'default' platform properly. #371 Servo library parentheses error #370 cross platform linux build support #369 raspberrypi build avrdude not in correct location #368 Raspberry pi support #365 Servo library not working with uno32 #363 Added support for different core versions #362 Fixed typo in task_manager.c

Anyway, I hope you all have fun with the new fixes.
