chipKIT® Development Platform

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Created Fri, 29 Nov 2013 18:44:18 +0000 by jvvood


Fri, 29 Nov 2013 18:44:18 +0000

Quick and dirty port of DIOS Forth for compile under MPIDE. Contains some extensions compared original source. Focused for MX2 series, but possible can use it other boards. [url][/url]

Jacob Christ

Fri, 29 Nov 2013 22:02:54 +0000

Wicked cool, what is your motivation and goals with this project? If you can port php, then I'll be really excited.



Sat, 30 Nov 2013 14:16:33 +0000

Motivation: I love the FORTH language. (But I think that we are not really interesting :) ) I love the OnChip developing systems. (eg StickOS , RetroBSD )

Goals: Primarily for beginners like to give another way to get acquainted with the microcontroller .

Traditional software development is a series of repetitions of the following: editing, compilation, loading, testing. To do this, you need a compiler, loader program (or device when no Bootloader ) .

The OnChip development require only a terminal emulator program. (If you work on a big program, then a text editor would come in handy.)

Do you think that in the 8 bit world, Sinclair machines, Commodore series, Atari, Apple microcomputers have reached the same success, if these can run programs which edited, compiled, linked on another, different type computer ?

Such a system is easy to implement the " Design:top-down , Implement:bottom-up " method . This system provides a quick and easy integration of the existing C libraries into the Forth system. (Implementation, testing the LCD handling library consumes ~ 3 hours) I would like to follow the method, that integrate the time-critical or use-ready library available solutions in C into Forth system, then make the application logic , user interface in an interactive Forth environment.

Really, Interactivity : This system allows interactive learning of the operation of the internal peripherals, as well as external peripherals connected. Among the examples are ones which generate PWM signal with OC modules. This implemented in Forth level using direct register manipulation.

Command line can be use to change or query the contents of the SFRs. (This is true for all registers, whole of memory areas, too!)

I think this is especially the great help for new users in the PIC world. In this way, you can very quickly get a sense of achievement , which would provide adequate motivation for further work.

Finally, a some speed comparison between the C and the interpreted systems (All result are with 40 MHz clock speed):

StickOS Basic:

DIOS Forth:



I will start the porting of the PHP when someone finished the porting of the Apache. :)


Jacob Christ

Sat, 30 Nov 2013 16:50:03 +0000

I haven't ported Apache but I do have a web server working that serves files from a SD card. I just wush I could do server side scripting (maybe with fourth, but that would be a real bastard).



Tue, 21 Jan 2014 01:31:20 +0000

I wrote forth in 68000 assembler code a LONG time ago and loved it! I would like to see this run on either the UNO32 or the Max32. I downloaded it and it gave me an error

#pragma message: CN interrupts for other than PIC32MX2xxx is not done !!!




Sat, 25 Oct 2014 12:26:05 +0000

Good to see that few still remember Forth. A long time ago I implemented Forth for different architechtures and machines from 8085 to PDP-11 and used for professional apps like image processing, graphical terminal for a nuclear power plant, etc. I really loved it that time. This can be a fun project now for chipKIT boards.

I just found this topic and didn't try what is in GITHUB yet.