chipKIT® Development Platform

Inspired by Arduino™

Major issue with the CAN library

Created Thu, 05 Sep 2013 15:22:45 +0000 by jpcurrie


Thu, 05 Sep 2013 15:22:45 +0000

Hi there, sorry this is my first post but I've been on this for days now.

It appears that either I am thick or there is problem with the can library.

I need to work with 29but CAN-BUS and have modified the example to work with 29-bit. I have also modified the example to set the EID markers on the filters and mask and have enabled loopback on the controller, to make things easier when testing.

The below code doesn't work, but I did have success using the EID portion for the mask and filter, which isn't much use to me, but it goes against all of the documentation? Also, where can I find the source code for this library? I was hoping to look for a potential bug but can't find it anywhere. I mean the source for the functions, all I can find are definitions in the included CAN library.

Any help, would be much appreciated...

p.s. It's just CAN1 that I have tested.tried, didn't bother with CAN2

/*									*/
/*  CanDemo.pde	-- Example CAN Sketch for chipKIT Max32/Network Shield	*/
/*									*/
/*  Author:	Gene Apperson						*/
/*  Copyright (c) 2011, Digilent Inc.  	    			        */
/*  This sketch is derived from a CAN demonstration program written     */
/*  by Fred Eady. It is essentially his program translated to use the   */
/*  chipKIT CAN low level library rather than using the Microchip C32   */
/*  Peripheral Library CAN functions directly.                          */
  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  Lesser General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
/*  Module Description:							*/
/*									*/
/*  This sketch is an example of using the CAN controllers on the       */
/*  on the chipKIT Max32 with the Network Shield. It illustrates the    */
/*  use of the low level CAN library provided for use with the Network  */
/*  shield.                                                             */
/*									*/
/*  This sketch assumes that CAN1 is looped back to CAN2 on the Network */
/*  shield. It initializes the two CAN modules, sends a packet          */
/*  containing a single character from CAN2 to CAN1, prints the         */
/*  character received by CAN1, then sends a packet containing a single */
/*  character from CAN1 to CAN2 and prints the character received by    */
/*  CAN2. The sending of packets back and forth is repeated for ever.   */
/*									*/
/*  Revision History:							*/
/*									*/
/*  08/21/2011(GeneApperson): Created                                   */
/*									*/

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*		Include File Definitions			*/
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

#include  <WProgram.h>

#include  "chipKITCAN.h"

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*		Local Type and Constant Definitions		*/
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* Network Node Addresses
#define	node1can1	0x101L
#define node2can1	0x201L
#define node1can2	0x102L
#define node2can2	0x202L

#define SYS_FREQ	(80000000L)
#define CAN_BUS_SPEED   250000		// CAN Speed

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*		Global Variables				*/
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* CAN controller interface object instances.
CAN    canMod1(CAN::CAN1);    // this object uses CAN module 1
CAN    canMod2(CAN::CAN2);    // this object uses CAN module 2

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*		Local Variables					*/
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* CAN Message Buffers
uint8_t  CAN1MessageFifoArea[2 * 8 * 16];
uint8_t  CAN2MessageFifoArea[2 * 8 * 16];

/* These are used as event flags by the interrupt service routines.
static volatile bool isCAN1MsgReceived = false;
static volatile bool isCAN2MsgReceived = false;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*		Forward Declarations				*/
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */

void initCan1(uint32_t myaddr);
void initCan2(uint32_t myaddr);
void doCan1Interrupt();
void doCan2Interrupt();
void txCAN1(uint32_t rxnode);
void txCAN2(uint32_t rxnode);
void rxCAN1(void);
void rxCAN2(void);
void doCan1Interrupt();
void doCan2Interrupt();

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*		Procedure Definitions				*/
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/***  setup
**  Parameters:
**    none
**  Return Value:
**    none
**  Errors:
**    none
**  Description:
**    Initialize the program for execution. Initialize the
**    CAN controller modules before use. Install the interrupt
**    service routines used to indicate packet reception.
**    Initialize the serial interface to print the activity
**    to the serial monitor.

setup() {    

  /* Init each CAN controller module for use.

  /* Install the interrupt service routines.

  /* Set up the serial monitor to show program activity.

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/***  loop
**  Parameters:
**  Return Value:
**  Errors:
**  Description:
**    Program event loop. This function is called repeatedly forever
**    after setup has been executed. Send a packet from CAN2 to CAN1.
**    Receive the packet on CAN1 and print the result. Send a
**    packet from CAN1 to CAN2. Have CAN2 receive the packet and
**    print the result.

loop() {
  /* Send an ASCII character from CAN2 to CAN1
  ** Note: The txCAN2 function initializes the transmit buffer.

  /* Receive the character from CAN2
  delay(100);    //wait so that the character has time to be delivered  

  /* Send an ASCII character from CAN1 to CAN2
  /* Receive the character from CAN1

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*      CAN Utility Functions                                   */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/***  initCan1
**  Parameters:
**      myaddr    - network address
**  Return Value:
**      none
**  Errors:
**      none
**  Description:
**      Initialize the CAN controller. See inline comments
**      for description of the process.

initCan1(uint32_t myaddr) {
  CAN::BIT_CONFIG canBitConfig;

  /* Step 1: Switch the CAN module
   * ON and switch it to Configuration
   * mode. Wait till the switch is 
   * complete */


  while(canMod1.getOperatingMode() != CAN::CONFIGURATION);			

  /* Step 2: Configure the CAN Module Clock. The
   * CAN::BIT_CONFIG data structure is used
   * for this purpose. The propagation, 
   * phase segment 1 and phase segment 2
   * are configured to have 3TQ. The CANSetSpeed()
   * function sets the baud. */
  canBitConfig.phaseSeg2Tq            = CAN::BIT_3TQ;
  canBitConfig.phaseSeg1Tq            = CAN::BIT_3TQ;
  canBitConfig.propagationSegTq       = CAN::BIT_3TQ;
  canBitConfig.phaseSeg2TimeSelect    = CAN::TRUE;
  canBitConfig.sample3Time            = CAN::TRUE;
  canBitConfig.syncJumpWidth          = CAN::BIT_2TQ;


  /* Step 3: Assign the buffer area to the
   * CAN module.
  /* Note the size of each Channel area.
   * It is 2 (Channels) * 8 (Messages Buffers) 
   * 16 (bytes/per message buffer) bytes. Each 
   * CAN module should have its own message 
   * area. */
  canMod1.assignMemoryBuffer(CAN1MessageFifoArea,2 * 8 * 16);	

  /* Step 4: Configure channel 0 for TX and size of
   * 8 message buffers with RTR disabled and low medium
   * priority. Configure channel 1 for RX and size
   * of 8 message buffers and receive the full message.

  /* Step 5: Configure filters and mask. Configure
   * filter 0 to accept SID messages with ID 0x200.
   * Configure filter mask 0 to compare all the ID
   * bits and to filter by the ID type specified in
   * the filter configuration. Filter 0 accepted 
   * messages are stored in channel 1.  */

  canMod1.configureFilter      (CAN::FILTER0, 0x0000FFFE, CAN::EID);   
  canMod1.configureFilterMask  (CAN::FILTER_MASK0, 0x1FFFFFFF, CAN::EID, CAN::FILTER_MASK_IDE_TYPE);
  canMod1.linkFilterToChannel  (CAN::FILTER0, CAN::FILTER_MASK0, CAN::CHANNEL1); 
  canMod1.enableFilter         (CAN::FILTER0, true);
  /* Step 6: Enable interrupt and events. Enable the receive
   * channel not empty event (channel event) and the receive
   * channel event (module event).
   * The interrrupt peripheral library is used to enable
   * the CAN interrupt to the CPU. */

  canMod1.enableChannelEvent(CAN::CHANNEL1, CAN::RX_CHANNEL_NOT_EMPTY, true);
  canMod1.enableModuleEvent(CAN::RX_EVENT, true);

  /* Step 7: Switch the CAN mode
   * to normal mode. */

  while(canMod1.getOperatingMode() != CAN::LOOPBACK);	

//  canMod1.setOperatingMode(CAN::NORMAL_OPERATION);
//  while(canMod1.getOperatingMode() != CAN::NORMAL_OPERATION);			

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/***  initCan2
**  Parameters:
**      myaddr    - network address
**  Return Value:
**      none
**  Errors:
**      none
**  Description:
**      Initialize the CAN controller. See inline comments
**      for description of the process.

initCan2(uint32_t myaddr) {
  CAN::BIT_CONFIG canBitConfig;

  /* Step 1: Switch the CAN module
   * ON and switch it to Configuration
   * mode. Wait till the switch is 
   * complete */


  while(canMod2.getOperatingMode() != CAN::CONFIGURATION);			

  /* Step 2: Configure the CAN Module Clock. The
   * CAN::BIT_CONFIG data structure is used
   * for this purpose. The propagation, 
   * phase segment 1 and phase segment 2
   * are configured to have 3TQ. The CANSetSpeed()
   * function sets the baud. */
  canBitConfig.phaseSeg2Tq            = CAN::BIT_3TQ;
  canBitConfig.phaseSeg1Tq            = CAN::BIT_3TQ;
  canBitConfig.propagationSegTq       = CAN::BIT_3TQ;
  canBitConfig.phaseSeg2TimeSelect    = CAN::TRUE;
  canBitConfig.sample3Time            = CAN::TRUE;
  canBitConfig.syncJumpWidth          = CAN::BIT_2TQ;


  /* Step 3: Assign the buffer area to the
   * CAN module.
  /* Note the size of each Channel area.
   * It is 2 (Channels) * 8 (Messages Buffers) 
   * 16 (bytes/per message buffer) bytes. Each 
   * CAN module should have its own message 
   * area. */
  canMod2.assignMemoryBuffer(CAN2MessageFifoArea,2 * 8 * 16);	

  /* Step 4: Configure channel 0 for TX and size of
   * 8 message buffers with RTR disabled and low medium
   * priority. Configure channel 1 for RX and size
   * of 8 message buffers and receive the full message.

  /* Step 5: Configure filters and mask. Configure
   * filter 0 to accept SID messages with ID 0x200.
   * Configure filter mask 0 to compare all the ID
   * bits and to filter by the ID type specified in
   * the filter configuration. Filter 0 accepted 
   * messages are stored in channel 1.  */

  canMod2.configureFilter      (CAN::FILTER0, myaddr, CAN::SID);    
  canMod2.configureFilterMask  (CAN::FILTER_MASK0, 0xFFF, CAN::SID, CAN::FILTER_MASK_IDE_TYPE);
  canMod2.linkFilterToChannel  (CAN::FILTER0, CAN::FILTER_MASK0, CAN::CHANNEL1); 
  canMod2.enableFilter         (CAN::FILTER0, true);
  /* Step 6: Enable interrupt and events. Enable the receive
   * channel not empty event (channel event) and the receive
   * channel event (module event).
   * The interrrupt peripheral library is used to enable
   * the CAN interrupt to the CPU. */

  canMod2.enableChannelEvent(CAN::CHANNEL1, CAN::RX_CHANNEL_NOT_EMPTY, true);
  canMod2.enableModuleEvent(CAN::RX_EVENT, true);

  /* Step 7: Switch the CAN mode
   * to normal mode. */

  while(canMod2.getOperatingMode() != CAN::NORMAL_OPERATION);			


/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/***  txCAN1
**  Parameters:
**      rxnode    - address of network node to receive the packet
**  Return Value:
**      none
**  Errors:
**      none
**  Description:
**      Initialize a packet buffer with the packet header and the
**      packet payload. The payload in this case is a single
**      ASCII character (0x31 = '1'). Transmit the packet.

txCAN1(uint32_t rxnode) {
  CAN::TxMessageBuffer * message;
  message = canMod1.getTxMessageBuffer(CAN::CHANNEL0);

  if (message != NULL) {
    // clear buffer
    message->messageWord[0] = 0;
    message->messageWord[1] = 0;
    message->messageWord[2] = 0;
    message->messageWord[3] = 0;

    message->msgSID.SID   = 0x7FE;
    message->msgEID.EID   = 0x1FF;	//receiving node		
    message->msgEID.IDE   = 1;	
     message->msgEID.RTR =  0;			// Not an RTR message.        		
    message->msgEID.DLC   = 1;			
    message->data[0]      = 0x31;
  //  message->data[1]        = 0x31;
    //message->data[2]        = 0x32;
    //message->data[3]        = 0x33;
    //message->data[4]        = 0x34;
    //message->data[5]        = 0x35;
    //message->data[6]        = 0x36;
    //message->data[7]        = 0x37;

    /* This function lets the CAN module
     * know that the message processing is done
     * and message is ready to be processed. */

    /* Direct the CAN module to flush the
     * TX channel. This will send any pending
     * message in the TX channel. */



/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/***  txCAN2
**  Parameters:
**      rxnode    - address of network node to receive the packet
**  Return Value:
**      none
**  Errors:
**      none
**  Description:
**      Initialize a packet buffer with the packet header and the
**      packet payload. The payload in this case is a single
**      ASCII character (0x32 = '2'). Transmit the packet.

txCAN2(uint32_t rxnode) {
  CAN::TxMessageBuffer * message;
  message = canMod2.getTxMessageBuffer(CAN::CHANNEL0);

  if (message != NULL) {
    // clear buffer
    message->messageWord[0] = 0;
    message->messageWord[1] = 0;
    message->messageWord[2] = 0;
    message->messageWord[3] = 0;

    message->msgSID.SID    = rxnode;	//receiving node	
    message->msgEID.IDE    = 0;			
    message->msgEID.DLC    = 1;			
    message->data[0]       = 0x32;
    //message->data[1]        = 0x31;
    //message->data[2]        = 0x32;
    //message->data[3]        = 0x33;
    //message->data[4]        = 0x34;
    //message->data[5]        = 0x35;
    //message->data[6]        = 0x36;
    //message->data[7]        = 0x37;

    /* This function lets the CAN module
     * know that the message processing is done
     * and message is ready to be processed. */


    /* Direct the CAN module to flush the
     * TX channel. This will send any pending
     * message in the TX channel. */



/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/***  rxCAN1
**  Parameters:
**        none
**  Return Value:
**        none
**  Errors:
**        none
**  Description:
**      Check to see if a packet has been received. If so, read
**      the packet and print the packet payload to the serial
**      monitor.

rxCAN1(void) {
  CAN::RxMessageBuffer * message;

  if (isCAN1MsgReceived == false) { 
    /* CAN2 did not receive any message
     * so exit the function. Note that the
     * isCAN2MsgReceived flag is updated 
     * by the CAN2 ISR. */
  /* Message was received. Reset isCAN2MsgReceived flag
   * to catch the next message. */

  isCAN1MsgReceived = false;	
  message = canMod1.getRxMessage(CAN::CHANNEL1);

  /* Print the first byte of the packet payload area
   * as an ASCII character on the serial monitor. */

  /* Call the CAN::updateChannel() function to let
   * the CAN module know that the message processing
   * is done. Enable the event so that the CAN module
   * generates an interrupt when the event occurs.*/

  canMod1.enableChannelEvent(CAN::CHANNEL1, CAN::RX_CHANNEL_NOT_EMPTY, true);


/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/***  rxCAN2
**  Parameters:
**        none
**  Return Value:
**        none
**  Errors:
**        none
**  Description:
**      Check to see if a packet has been received. If so, read
**      the packet and print the packet payload to the serial
**      monitor.

rxCAN2(void) {
  CAN::RxMessageBuffer * message;

  if (isCAN2MsgReceived == false) {
    /* CAN2 did not receive any message
     * so exit the function. Note that the
     * isCAN2MsgReceived flag is updated 
     * by the CAN2 ISR. */
  /* Message was received. Reset isCAN2MsgReceived flag
   * to catch the next message. */

  isCAN2MsgReceived = false;	
  message = canMod2.getRxMessage(CAN::CHANNEL1);

  /* Print the first byte of the packet payload area
   * as an ASCII character on the serial monitor. */


  /* Call the CAN::updateChannel() function to let
   * the CAN module know that the message processing
   * is done. Enable the event so that the CAN module
   * generates an interrupt when the event occurs.*/

  canMod2.enableChannelEvent(CAN::CHANNEL1, CAN::RX_CHANNEL_NOT_EMPTY, true);


/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*        Interrupt Handler Functions                           */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/***  doCan1Interrupt
**  Parameters:
**      none
**  Return Value:
**      none
**  Errors:
**      none
**  Description:
**      Interrupt service routine to handle interrupt level
**      events for CAN module 1.

doCan1Interrupt() {
  /* This is the CAN1 Interrupt Handler.
   * This is not the actual Interrupt Service Routine,
   * but is the user interrupt handler installed by
   * CAN::attachInterrupt. This is called by the ISR.
   * Note that there are many events in the CAN1 module
   * that can cause this interrupt. These events are 
   * enabled by the CAN::enableModuleEvent() function.
   * In this example, only the CAN::RX_EVENT is enabled. */

  /* Check if the source of the interrupt is CAN::RX_EVENT. 
   * This is redundant  since only this event is enabled
   * in this example but this shows one scheme for handling
   * interrupts. */

  if ((canMod1.getModuleEvent() & CAN::RX_EVENT) != 0) {
    /* Within this, you can check which event caused the 
     * interrupt by using the CAN::getPendingEventCode() function
     * to get a code representing the highest priority active
     * event.*/ 
    if(canMod1.getPendingEventCode() == CAN::CHANNEL1_EVENT) {
      /* This means that channel 1 caused the event.
       * The CAN::RX_CHANNEL_NOT_EMPTY event is persistent. You
       * could either read the channel in the ISR
       * to clear the event condition or as done 
       * here, disable the event source, and set
       * an application flag to indicate that a message
       * has been received. The event can be
       * enabled by the application when it has processed
       * one message.
       * Note that leaving the event enabled would
       * cause the CPU to keep executing the ISR since
       * the CAN::RX_CHANNEL_NOT_EMPTY event is persistent (unless
       * the not empty condition is cleared.) 
       * */
      canMod1.enableChannelEvent(CAN::CHANNEL1, CAN::RX_CHANNEL_NOT_EMPTY, false);
      isCAN1MsgReceived = true;	

  /* The CAN1 Interrupt flag is cleared by the interrupt service routine
   * after this function returns. This will succeed because the event
   * that caused this interrupt to occur (CAN::RX_CHANNEL_NOT_EMPTY) is disabled.
   * The ISR's attempt to clear the CAN1 interrupt flag would fail if the
   * CAN::RX_CHANNEL_NOT_EMPTY event were still enabled because the base event
   * is still present. In this case, another interrupt would occur immediately */ 

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/***  doCan2Interrupt
**  Parameters:
**      none
**  Return Value:
**      none
**  Errors:
**      none
**  Description:
**      Interrupt service routine to handle interrupt level
**      events for CAN module 2.

doCan2Interrupt() {
  /* This is the CAN2 Interrupt Handler.
   * This is not the actual Interrupt Service Routine,
   * but is the user interrupt handler installd by
   * CAN::attachInterrupt. This is called by the ISR.
   * Note that there are many events in the CAN2 module
   * that can cause this interrupt. These events are 
   * enabled by the CAN::enableModuleEvent() function.
   * In this example, only the CAN::RX_EVENT is enabled. */

  /* Check if the source of the interrupt is CAN::RX_EVENT. 
   * This is redundant  since only this event is enabled
   * in this example but this shows one scheme for handling
   * interrupts. */

  if ((canMod2.getModuleEvent() & CAN::RX_EVENT) != 0) {
    /* Within this, you can check which event caused the 
     * interrupt by using the CAN::getPendingEventCode() function
     * to get a code representing the highest priority active
     * event.*/ 
    if(canMod2.getPendingEventCode() == CAN::CHANNEL1_EVENT) {
      /* This means that channel 1 caused the event.
       * The CAN::RX_CHANNEL_NOT_EMPTY event is persistent. You
       * could either read the channel in the ISR
       * to clear the event condition or as done 
       * here, disable the event source, and set
       * an application flag to indicate that a message
       * has been received. The event can be
       * enabled by the application when it has processed
       * one message.
       * Note that leaving the event enabled would
       * cause the CPU to keep executing the ISR since
       * the CAN::RX_CHANNEL_NOT_EMPTY event is persistent (unless
       * the not empty condition is cleared.) 
       * */
      canMod2.enableChannelEvent(CAN::CHANNEL1, CAN::RX_CHANNEL_NOT_EMPTY, false);
      isCAN2MsgReceived = true;	

  /* The CAN2 Interrupt flag is cleared by the interrupt service routine
   * after this function returns. This will succeed because the event
   * that caused this interrupt to occur (CAN::RX_CHANNEL_NOT_EMPTY) is disabled.
   * The ISR's attempt to clear the CAN2 interrupt flag would fail if the
   * CAN::RX_CHANNEL_NOT_EMPTY event were still enabled because the base event
   * is still present. In this case, another interrupt would occur immediately */	

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/***  ProcName
**  Parameters:
**  Return Value:
**  Errors:
**  Description:

/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */



Fri, 06 Sep 2013 12:29:11 +0000

So if I just filter/mask on the EID 18 bit portion it works....

canMod1.configureFilter      (CAN::FILTER0, 0x1FF, CAN::EID);   
  canMod1.configureFilterMask  (CAN::FILTER_MASK0, 0x3FFFF, CAN::EID, CAN::FILTER_MASK_IDE_TYPE);


Fri, 06 Sep 2013 15:19:48 +0000

From the documentation:

What am I missing?

Specifies the value range of maskbits parameter. CAN_EID - Value range of maskbits parameter is 0x0 (ignore all 29 bits of the incoming message ID) to 0x1FFFFFFF (compare all 29 bits of the incoming message ID). CAN_SID - Value range of maskbits parameter is 0x0 (ignore all 11 bits of the incoming message ID) to 0x7FF (compare all 11 bits of the incoming message ID).


Sun, 08 Sep 2013 17:38:24 +0000

Well I figured this out myself, for posterity:

The library filter functions are right, it was me not realising that there's different CAN message structures.

Basically the significant bits of the messages in question were in the EID, not the SID as I was expecting. Figured it out with serial.prints and binary calculator an with a bitshifting routine all is good...

I need to get a debugging setup!

Hope this helps someone.


Sun, 08 Sep 2013 17:49:06 +0000

Well done. As you probably gathered no one here knows much about CAN. Maybe you could do a little write-up for the main website to help others?

The only thing I know about CAN on these boards is that the CAN library relies heavily on the Microchip Peripheral Library, and hence you won't ever be able to get at the source. Bit of a pain, really. A new open-source implementation could do with being created by someone who knows how CAN works.


Sun, 08 Sep 2013 18:06:51 +0000

Yes there's not much on here about CAN. Actually the forum as a whole is quiet.

The MAX32 + Shield are great pieces if kit, I must say.

I've had to write an abstraction layer to deal with the protocol in question, it's SAE j1939 I think, 29-bit, msb in the EID portion of the message, 8 byte message payload etc.

If you point me in the right direction I can write something up, no problem.

The project is a Volvo CAN-BUS datalogger and feature extension ECU.


Sun, 08 Sep 2013 18:49:14 +0000

The best place is probably Ur Corner (bit of a wannabe trendy name for the kids that I think) - sign up and get posting ;)