chipKIT® Development Platform

Inspired by Arduino™

Road to Arduino 1.5.x Compatibility

Created Thu, 20 Jun 2013 15:12:24 +0000 by ricklon


Thu, 20 Jun 2013 15:12:24 +0000

HI All,

Here is the first chunk of information about the move towards 1.5.x compatibility and beyond. These are recommendations based of of feedback in the forums, and many discussions over the last few months. Your feedback here would be great.

  1. A new final release of all the current changes will be generated. We are currently at release 3. This will include the Arduino 1.x updates for the SD library and some serial fixes, that add some minor features for Arduino 1.0.

  2. The github repository will be reorganized. The IDE will remain in the chipkit32-max, but the ./hardware/pic32 directory will be moved to it's own "chipkit-core" repository. This will then be added as a submodule to the IDE chipki32-max ide builds. The build.xml file needs to be updated to handle managing the sub module automatically.

  3. chipkit-core will have a makefile where sketches can be built and tested against the latest core file changes and improvements.

  4. The chipKIT core could be deployed, stand alone, in MPIDE, and a downloadable install into Arduino 1.5.x

  5. The toolchain binaries will be removed from the chipkit32-max project. The chipkit32-max build.xml needs to be update to use the <get > ant task will dynamically download the toolchains into your build environment. Only, if it doesn't already exist. The current compiler repos is: the final binary builds could be placed on Amazon.

  6. Once in place split off version that is the 0023 branch. Then we'll develop the 1.x branch forward.

This reorganization will drop the main repos size down. Those wanting to just work on chipkit-core will be able to make changes. The cloning of the repos will become much faster. Let me know what you think and if anything else can help the reorganizing of the repos.

Next, I'll post my analysis of the changes need for Arduino 1.5.x.



Sun, 23 Jun 2013 18:28:03 +0000

More details for the Arduino 1.x updates are on starting to show up on the Github issue list: Majenko's overview:

Core Serial Updates

Main.cpp updates
