chipKIT® Development Platform

Inspired by Arduino™

Get involved with the chipKIT development community

Created Fri, 08 Mar 2013 22:41:53 +0000 by jasonk


Fri, 08 Mar 2013 22:41:53 +0000

This is a current list of development priorities (last updated March 8, 2013).

If you are interested in joining the chipKIT development team, please post a new thread under Tasks and Priorities and we’ll send you a secret decoder ring. (Actually, there is no decoder ring.) Be sure to mention which tasks sound interesting to you, and describe your skills and expertise. Team members of all skill levels are welcome, from software testers to system architects. Thanks!


  1.   Get plib changes into next build (eliminates dependency on non-free code) (done)
  2.   Interrupt vector management system (in development now)
  3.   Core compatibility with Arduino 1.0 and Arduino 1.5
  4.   Libraries in libraries


  1.   Ability to select which boards appear in drop down
  2.   Rework existing html help/reference files with chipKIT branding
  3.   Closing out the MPIDE is Truly Open-Source Issue
  4.   Clean up Java USB Port Handling
  5.   Adding ability to IDE to allow any command line for programming (enables any command line programming tool…not just avrdude)
  6. Improve boards.txt scheme so that its purely dynamic on MPIDE launch and one only need drop in a new folder (variant) for a board (done)


  1. Add ability to the IDE as well as the core to do reboots (and thus reprograms) eliminating any buttons on USB only boards

  2. Reduce overall distribution size to only include chipKIT-related files. User will have option to download Arduino files. (in progress)

  3. IDE feature that will allow it to follow either 0023, 1.0 or 1.5 semantics