chipKIT® Development Platform

Inspired by Arduino™


Created Sun, 24 Feb 2013 04:31:01 +0000 by marcmccomb


Sun, 24 Feb 2013 04:31:01 +0000


Greetings chipKIT users and developers. We are pleased to announce the launch of a new updated homepage for the chipKIT platform. This new site will feature the same benefits that have been enjoyed on the chipKIT Wiki at [url][/url] while providing newer users with an easier to use interface and introductory pages including a new Getting Started section along with beginner tutorials.

We are almost done transferring all of the content on this wiki over to the new website. The transfer will be completed in and around Monday, February 25/2013. We thank you for any contributions you have made so far and invite you to register with the new website at [url][/url] to carry on participating in the chipKIT community.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Marc McComb at

Marc McComb on behalf of the chipKIT Team


Mon, 25 Feb 2013 15:34:39 +0000

could you have not done those change on the wiki?

are you migrating the forums as well? if no, why not? why the split.

why the need for a new domain, migration and re-registration?

is being phased out? ie: will a redirect from the .org to the .net be implemented?

will the wiki at still remain open and editable or is it going to be locked down or removed?

whats the plan going forward?


Mon, 25 Feb 2013 23:43:49 +0000

We actually considered doing this on the wiki. However, we needed something with a more user friendly dashboard than what you get with the current wiki.

The forums will remain where they are for a little while. We're working at eventually migrating but want to make sure we do this cleanly so that none of the posts get lost and this is as painless as possible.

The plan is that will redirect to This will happen tomorrow. We will also download all of the files from the wiki as a backup just in case we've missed something.

As for posting...What we've decided on is a publicly editable blog style instead of the wiki using WordPress. When newer users register on the new site they automatically get contributor status. The next level up is Author for users who are regular posters. Eventually editor for senior contributors.

Here is a link to the different roles: [url][/url]

The new site is expected to change as current and future members make recommendations or suggestions. Everything is open to discussion including what I've written above.

Using the WordPress setup will make it a lot easier for our team to make changes and updates.