chipKIT® Development Platform

Inspired by Arduino™

Using I2C

Created Thu, 25 Oct 2012 15:04:22 +0000 by NamdsD


Thu, 25 Oct 2012 15:04:22 +0000

I'm attempting to communicate with a pixart IR camera and processor using the J2 I2C on the cerebot mx4 ck chipKIT board. Using the wire directory I've come up with the code below. When I attach to the board, and run my main program, it fails to communicate with the I2C. At a quick glance, is there anything here I'm doing wrong with the wire directory? The code below was based off a similar one for an Arduino board, so I'm thinking there may be slight differences with the chipKIT I2C.

#include "PVision.h" #include <Wire.h>


void PVision::Write_2bytes(byte d1, byte d2) { Wire.beginTransmission(IRslaveAddress); Wire.send(d1); Wire.send(d2); Wire.endTransmission(); }


// init the PVision sensor void PVision::init () { IRsensorAddress = 0xB0; IRslaveAddress = IRsensorAddress >> 1; // This results in 0x21 as the address to pass to TWI

// IR sensor initialize
Write_2bytes(0x30,0x01); delay(10);
Write_2bytes(0x30,0x08); delay(10);
Write_2bytes(0x06,0x90); delay(10);
Write_2bytes(0x08,0xC0); delay(10);
Write_2bytes(0x1A,0x40); delay(10);
Write_2bytes(0x33,0x33); delay(10);


byte PVision::read() { //IR sensor read Wire.beginTransmission(IRslaveAddress); Wire.send(0x36); Wire.endTransmission();

Wire.requestFrom(IRslaveAddress, 16);        // Request the 2 byte heading (MSB comes first)
for (i=0;i&lt;16;i++)


while(Wire.available() &amp;&amp; i &lt; 16)

    data_buf[i] = Wire.receive();

blobcount = 0;

Blob1.X = data_buf[1];
Blob1.Y = data_buf[2];
s   = data_buf[3];
Blob1.X += (s &amp; 0x30) &lt;&lt;4;
Blob1.Y += (s &amp; 0xC0) &lt;&lt;2;
Blob1.Size = (s &amp; 0x0F);

// At the moment we're using the size of the blob to determine if one is detected, either X,Y, or size could be used.
blobcount |= (Blob1.Size &lt; 15)? BLOB1 : 0;

Blob2.X = data_buf[4];
Blob2.Y = data_buf[5];
s   = data_buf[6];
Blob2.X += (s &amp; 0x30) &lt;&lt;4;
Blob2.Y += (s &amp; 0xC0) &lt;&lt;2;
Blob2.Size = (s &amp; 0x0F);

blobcount |= (Blob2.Size &lt; 15)? BLOB2 : 0;

Blob3.X = data_buf[7];
Blob3.Y = data_buf[8];
s   = data_buf[9];
Blob3.X += (s &amp; 0x30) &lt;&lt;4;
Blob3.Y += (s &amp; 0xC0) &lt;&lt;2;
Blob3.Size = (s &amp; 0x0F);

blobcount |= (Blob3.Size &lt; 15)? BLOB3 : 0;

Blob4.X = data_buf[10];
Blob4.Y = data_buf[11];
s   = data_buf[12];
Blob4.X += (s &amp; 0x30) &lt;&lt;4;
Blob4.Y += (s &amp; 0xC0) &lt;&lt;2;
Blob4.Size = (s &amp; 0x0F);

blobcount |= (Blob4.Size &lt; 15)? BLOB4 : 0;

return blobcount;
