chipKIT® Development Platform

Inspired by Arduino™

Fritzing and chipKIT

Posted 2014-10-23 14:11:56 by Majenko


Fritzing! Some of you may have heard of it, some of you might not have, but maybe you've seen images like the above. Whether you know about Fritzing or not, you might want to check out Digilent's blogpost because you might learn something new about Fritzing and chipKIT that you didn't already know.

Having said that, you might also want to check out Fritzing's website, where some of the

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Temperature-Sensing Coffee Coaster with chipKIT

Posted 2014-10-22 17:40:58 by Majenko

Using a chipKIT Pro MX7, Sam from Digilent has created a Temperature-Sensing Coaster! As he mentions in the post, now you can hit that perfect "Goldilocks" temperature; coffee that is not too hot, not too cold, but just right!

To find out more, visit Digilent's blogpost.

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Getting Started with chipKIT DP32

Posted 2014-10-22 17:15:16 by Majenko


If you've never checked out the chipKIT DP32 board, you now have a good reason. The truth of the matter is that the DP32 is a hidden gem in the collection of chipKIT boards because of its low price and its built-in breadboard.

To explore this little gem visit the tutorial on Instructables (or click the image above), and you'll find all you need to get

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Making Music with chipKIT

Posted 2014-10-21 11:06:43 by Majenko

Whether it's for the quickly approaching Halloween, or for some other event, it's not too late to make ghoulish soundtracks or a creaky old door sounds with chipKIT.

Check out this Hackaday simple mini polyphonic synth demo for more info! Also, if you plan on using PWM, you'll be happy to know there's already a library written for that! Check out the PWMAudio Library for chipKIT on GitHub.

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Dr Duino Debugger is chipKIT Compatible

Posted 2014-10-21 10:26:53 by Majenko

Congratulations to Guido Bonelli for his successful Dr Duino Kickstarter Project!

In this EETimes article, Max Maxfield says that chipKIT Uno32 is compatible with Dr. Duino, a very versatile shield whose purpose is to provide debugging capabilities. This little board is stackable, it comes with switches, LEDs, pots, and much more all conveniently accessible outside of the standard Arduino footprint (not hidden away underneath the stacks of

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