chipKIT® Development Platform

Inspired by Arduino™

Man Cave Sign - Stepper Motor Control with chipKIT

Posted 2015-06-19 13:42:40 by Majenko


As a follow-on to a previous post about the "Man Cave Sign", today's post shares Darryl's tutorial for how he put together the stepper motor portion of the Man Cave Sign. Note that stepper motor PCBs vary, but he assures you that they function in the same way. Check it out for all the details!

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chipKIT Text-Message-Enabled Sign and Music Light Box (Man Cave Sign)

Posted 2015-06-19 10:08:17 by Majenko

Using our DIY chipKIT-board tutorial, Darryl Gardner, a student of the University of South Florida, created something he calls the "Man Cave Sign" for his MakeCourse. This techie sign not only displays messages (via 5 LED dot matrices), reacts to playing music, and lights up in different colors (via 2 LED light strips), but is also controllable via Text Message or Android Apps (which he wrote) that allow the user to do many things like change the display message, control the stepper motor, the color of the light strips, and even make

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chipKIT WF32 and LabVIEW LINX - Local Weather and Location

Posted 2015-06-16 14:38:15 by Majenko

Here's a cool instructable for displaying your local weather and location using a chipKIT WF32 and LabVIEW with LINX. Sudharsan put this Instructable together giving you the tools you need to put this together, and sample code to make it run! Check it out for all the details :)


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chipKIT DP32 - 3D Printable Bumper

Posted 2015-06-12 14:08:10 by Majenko


Remember the iPhone bumper?? Well, this bumper is 3D printable and it's for your chipKIT DP32! Some might say that's even cooler!! :P Now you can mount your DP32 to your design via the screw holes or protect it from shorting with something on your desk. To download and print it for yourself or a dear friend, check it out on Repables!

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Unix on chipKIT Fubarino SD

Posted 2015-06-09 16:43:14 by Majenko

If you haven't seen this yet, you'll likely be impressed. RetroBSD (Unix) running on a chipKIT Fubarino SD? Yes, you heard that right :) Hackaday featured this post referencing Serge Vakulenko's post, where he provides instructions for how you too can run RetroBSD on your Fubarino SD and then compile and assemble away on your mini computer!

Have fun and enjoy!

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